Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mid Janurary Update

Hello there, it's been quite a while since I've given you guys an update of new and exciting stuff going on with me and the blog.

So far this new year I've been having some amazing success in reading, and I've been extremely productive (seven books so far). I am very excited for all the things that are going to be going on the next few months with all of the lovely books that are coming out, and some of the events that will be going on. So far I don't have any set plans but I hope to get more involved with bookish things coming up.

I've started taking part in the ARCycling Program both donating and requesting. If you've never heard of the program, ARCycling is a program in which  bloggers put  ARCs they have up for grabs for a first come first serve basis, and once a week (Sundays) the list us put up for people to request off of. Now there are more rules than that, but that's the simple version. I should have a book on the list every week for at least the next month as I try to clean up some of the ARCs I no longer want. So far I have gotten one for myself as well, which is quite exciting.

Ideas? I love doing discussion posts and things that are not reviews sometimes. If you have any ideas please leave them in the comments, or tweet me @erikablogger! I would love your ideas!

Happy January, and thanks for reading!

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