Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication Date: February 5th 2012
Pages: 461
Source: Bought
Genre: Dystopian, Romance
it's almost
time for war.
Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.
She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.
Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.
I didn't think I could love this series more, but after reading Unravel Me, I have now proved myself wrong. Taherah Mafi is a magician with words, I wish I could climb inside her head and look around. Anyone who has read and loved the first book in this series will undoubtedly find some interest in this sequel.
The narration in this book is just fantastic. Like in Shatter Me, there is slashed out text to resemble the things that Juliette thinks but doesn't think she should. I love that part of this book SO MUCH. Juliette is such a great character to hear the voice of, I just love her to death.
It took me a while to get used to the new environment that Juliette is now a part on in this book. Now that Juliette is out of the clutches of the government, and she and Adam have found a safe place to live in Omega Point- it was really hard to understand her new home and everyone that she now has to interact with. This difficulty to transition is really strongly reflected in Juliette's narration. Juliette has spent so long stay as far from people as she can, and now suddenly being around so many friendly people she just doesn't know what to do.
Of course, you are probably wondering is CHAPTER 62? Well. Let's just say I was NOT expecting that from this book, but all of the building in the first 61 chapters, I guess it works. I'll admit, I really did not fully appreciate chapter 62 until the book was over, and I think many people might feel the same way. It's almost like chapter 62 is there just to make our minds explode, and then we start to comprehend a little better by the end of the entire story. I really did like the twist!
The romance? It's kind of hard to review the romance with out spoiling... well almost the ENTIRE BOOK. But... I was kind of ehh about the romance most of the time. I wanted to yell at Juliette sometimes, and then yell at Adam at others. And then I wanted to yell at everyone... Yeah. There was a lot of yelling. The romance gets really complex in Unravel Me, and it's not even resolved yet, we have to wait for book 3.
Overall, I can't recommend this series enough. Though it can be frustrating at times, there is no way that I can't love it anyway.
I feel like EVERYONE on Twitter is talking about this mysterious Chapter 62 and I want to know about it! I wasn't a big fan of Shatter Me, but I'm far too curious about Unravel Me to not try it. It definitely seems like that you love Juliette, and I did start to like her in the first one, so hopefully she'll be able to grow on me a little more. And this romance sounds deliciously complicated, haha. ;)
ReplyDeleteLovely review, Erika! I'm going to have to try this one out now, just to see what I think of it myself.
I'm glad you enjoyed the sequel! I didn't love book one so I have been holding off on reading this, but if I like it half as much as you did, then that would be good!