Thursday, January 2, 2014

Where Oh Where Has Erika Gone?

Over the past few months I have been fairly absent from my blog, as well as the bookish online community as a whole. I haven't been all that interested in working on my blog or blog posts for several months, going back since the summer, and I have decided for the time being that I won't force myself to work on my blog.

Blogging has always been difficult for me, and due to life, and finding new interests I have decided that I should spend my time doing things that I really want to do. I love reading, and by taking a break from my blog does not mean I am reading any less books than I have before. I am still reading as much and as furiously as I always have been, but now on my own terms. 

This does not mean that I am going away from the bookish community completely. I am still very active on goodreads and occasionally on twitter, and there is a chance that I will come back to my blog some time in the future.

On my goodreads you can see what  books I am reading, and after every book I finish I rate the books, sometimes leaving a small note as to the reasons behind my rating. This is a much easier and better system for me to share and store my feelings for books I have read. If you still have an interest in seeing what I'm reading and how I feel about various books, please feel free to send me a friend request.

Twitter is where I gush about books, make other bookish friends, and chat about books and some of my other passions. You can follow me on twitter, or send be a tweet @Erikablogger

Those of you who have been with me for a long time, thank you. I hope you will stick with me on goodreads and twitter for the time being. I love you all.



  1. So proud of you Erika for making this decision! I can't wait to see where this new journey takes you. Love you!


  2. I totally understand where you're coming from. I just got back into blogging after taking a pretty long break myself. I wasn't feeling into it at the time either. Take however long you need to feel better! I'll definitely still be following you on Goodreads and on Twitter! I'm always be here if you need to talk about anything too!


  3. I think we all can understand the need to take a break from blogging. Good for you for making this decision! I've taken plenty of short breaks whenever I'm not feeling happy with blogging, and it's a much healthier choice than pushing yourself to do it anyway.
    I'm glad you'll still be around on Twitter and Goodreads. :)
